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The mechanism of mass collaboration in risk management was studied during the Sichuan earthquake under a Web-based “PeopleFinder” project, where information is contributed and shared among mass contributors. The case study is provided by a great earthquake that happened in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, of southwestern China at 2:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008. We witnessed and experienced the rescue and relief efforts for the great earthquake. In this article, two fundamental frameworks are developed to study the mechanism of mass collaboration. Mass collaboration is proven to be effective in a big public crisis such as the Sichuan earthquake.  相似文献   
王成武  崔彪  汪宙峰  谢亮  陈雅靓 《生态学报》2022,42(9):3794-3805
自然保护区是为保护具有代表性的生态系统和濒危动植物而划分的特定区域,在涵养水土,防风固沙、净化空气、保护生物多样性等方面发挥着重要作用。四川省有自然保护区166处,类型丰富多样,是中国自然保护地体系的重要组成部分,其保护对象涵盖珍稀动植物,保护功能涉及物种、水源和生态环境,与国家地质公园、湿地公园、森林公园等共同维系着中国西南地区,乃至青藏高原东缘的生态系统。因此,研究四川省自然保护区的空间分布格局及其影响因素具有重要的价值和意义。运用地理空间分析方法对1963-2018年间四川省自然保护区的空间分布和影响因素进行了研究。研究发现:①四川省自然保护区空间分布的总体特征以集聚为主,呈现集聚-随机-集聚的变化特征,且前期变化幅度大,后期变化幅度小,总体发展明显分为1963-1998年的单核形成与发展阶段和1998-2018年的双核阶段;②四川省自然保护区主要分布在成都平原向川西高原的过渡区域,其均衡度类型在时间上表现出由"差距悬殊"到"差距较大"的演变特征;③四川省自然保护区的重心活动范围相对较小,基本稳定在阿坝州南部。标准差椭圆的长短半轴和面积均变化强烈,总体呈现出大幅度的增长,空间分布由南-北向演变为东北-西南向;④自然保护区受到自然因素和社会因素的双重影响,高密度区域分布在地势适中、气候温和、河流众多、土壤肥沃、人口稀少的阿坝州南部与东部地区。未来,四川省生态功能建设应该立足国家公园、自然保护区和自然公园的特点、分布状况,对自然保护区分布较少的川西北、川东北和川南部分地区进行优化布局,以加强这些地区的生态功能建设。同时,探索自然保护区的发展模式,实现自然保护区与周边区域社会经济的协调发展。  相似文献   
李洪全  曾守鲁 《生态学杂志》1992,11(6):25-28,33
名山县位于东经103°08′,北纬30°06′,是四川省商品粮油基地县之一,属川西盆周丘陵地区。年平均气温15.5℃,日照1052.0小时,降雨量1519.9mm,一年两熟,能满足油菜全生育期的需要。全县油菜发展较快,1989年较1983年种植面积扩大了33.91%,达到6000ha;总产增加30.35%,达到5958.1t。  相似文献   
四川省森林植被固碳经济价值动态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
<正>确估算森林植被固碳经济价值可为森林生态系统的生态效益评价提供基础数据。利用1997年和2014年两期四川省森林资源清查数据,依据不同森林类型的生物量与蓄积量回归方程和支付意愿法,估算了四川省两个时期森林植被的固碳经济价值。结果表明,从1997年到2014年,四川省森林植被固碳经济价值由703.17亿元增长到865.75亿元,净增长162.58亿元,年均增长9.56亿元,年均增长率为1.36%;在两个时期,云冷杉林的固碳经济价值比重最大,分别占总固碳经济价值的54.82%和46.62%,表明云冷杉森林植被类型在全省森林植被固碳经济价值中占有重要的地位;四川省天然林和人工林植被的固碳经济价值均呈增加趋势,并且人工林植被固碳经济价值年均增长速率(7.42%)明显高于天然林(1.03%);四川省森林植被固碳经济价值总体上随林龄的增加而增加。研究结果说明,实施包括天然林保护工程在内的森林保护和经营管理措施对提高森林植被的固碳经济价值具有重要的作用。  相似文献   
mtDNA COII gene sequences were identified and analyzed using different types of software, namely, MEGA5.0, DNAMAN, and DnaSP5.0 in four Chinese provinces, namely, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Guizhou and Shanghai. Analysis of molecular genetic variation and its genetic structure and differentiation, combined with NJ tree, MP tree analysis and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), at Fst = 0.0582 conclude that the genetic differentiation is low, gene flow is Nm = 8.0911, and gene exchange is sufficient. However, for the geographic populations of Pseudoregma bambucicola in the four provinces, their gene exchange is relatively weak at Nm = 0.8284, whereas the genetic differentiation is high at Fst = 0.3764. Based on the data, total nucleotide diversity between the populations is 0.00158 ± 0.00021. The results showed that the total population of Tajima’s D and Fu’s Fs results are D = ?0.885 and Fs = 0.226, respectively. The experimental numerical results showed that this total population is not significant (P > 0.10), indicating that nine different geographic populations are short-term. No expansion occurred in the internal population. This study provided a theoretical and practical basis for the comprehensive prevention and control of P. bambucicola.  相似文献   
The sampling of fish from the artisanal fleet operating with surface lines off north‐eastern Brazil was carried out between 1998 and 2000. Generalized linear models (GLMs) were used to standardize mean abundance indices using catch and fishing effort data on dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus and to identify abundance trends in time and space, using 1215 surface line deployments. A standard relative abundance index (catch per unit effort, CPUE) was estimated for the most frequent vessels used in the sets, employing factors and coefficients generated in the GLMs. According to the models, C. hippurus catches are affected by the operating characteristics and power of different fishing vessels. These differences highlight the need for standardization of catch and effort data for artisanal fisheries. The highest mean abundance values for C. hippurus were off the state of Rio Grande do Norte, with an increasing tendency in areas with greater depths and more distant from the coast, reaching maximal values in areas whose depths range from 200 to 500 m. The highest mean abundance values occurred between April and June. The higher estimated abundance of C. hippurus in this period off the state of Rio Grande do Norte and within the 200–500 m depth range may be related to a migration pattern of food sources, as its main prey, the flying fish Hirundichthys affinis, uses floating algae as refuge and to deposit its pelagic eggs.  相似文献   
<正>东方草鸮(Tyto longimembris)隶属于鸮形目草鸮科,共有6个亚种的分化,我国分布的2个亚种为T.l.chinensis和T.l.pithecops。东方草鸮在我国主要分布于西南和华南(chinensis)以及台湾(pithecops),国外分布于印度次大陆、东南亚、菲律宾、新几内亚岛和澳大利亚(del Hoyo et al.1999,郑光美2011)。在《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(第二版)中,东方草鸮的分布区并不包括四川省。实际上,早在2000年时就曾有报道称在四川省南充市高坪区发现草鸮的分布(胡锦矗2000),一直未能引起关注。有关东方草鸮繁殖生物学的资料,大多来自国外的  相似文献   
【目的】本研究旨在确定四川达州白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horváth)迁入虫源地及其降落机制,以期为川东地区白背飞虱预警和有效防控提供依据。【方法】运用大气质点轨迹分析平台HYSPLIT4.8对1991-2013年达州灯下白背飞虱主要迁入高峰日进行轨迹模拟,并运用气象图形处理软件Grads对主要迁入高峰日进行气象背景分析。【结果】达州白背飞虱主要在6-7月迁入,7月份是迁入高峰期。6月虫源主要来自广西西北、中部地区;7月虫源主要来自贵州中西部、北部,广西西北部和云南东北部也可提供部分虫源。【结论】四川达州白背飞虱迁入虫源主要来自贵州大部,部分来自云南东北部和广西西北部。由于气候条件和地形胁迫引起的降水、垂直气流和风向切变是白背飞虱大规模集中降落的主要原因。  相似文献   
在横断山区鸟类考察过程中,发现采自四川宝兴县硗碛和雅江县八角楼的两号小鴞属标本与原记录的种类有显著差异,经研究认为是横斑腹小鴞(Athene brama)的一新亚种,命名为: 横斑腹小鴞 新亚种—杂斑腹小鴞Athene brama poikila Subsp.nov. 正模标本 雄性成鸟(采集号6079),1964年12月6日,采自四川省宝兴县的硗碛,海拔高度2,200米。标本保存在四川农业大学。  相似文献   
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